Monday, August 31, 2009

Apartment What-nots

So I moved into my apartment like last week, I have one roommate from Utah and two roommates from Vietnam. I haven't decorated my room yet so no pictures of that, but I do have a couple random shots from this evening.

Today was a pretty neat day, I rode the bus for the first time, I met a girl at the stop who had never ridden the bus either so we figured things out together. Later, when I got home, I found my roommate sitting in the living room putting together a centerpiece for our coffee table, and it came out beautiful!
This was also on the wall, my roommate found it at Dollar Tree (I think):
Later, I went to Family Home Evening with my ward, and after that, the girls in an apartment near mine asked me if I was gonna go with everyone to see "Up!" at the Dollar Theater so I said yes. I met some new and interesting people and the movie was super cute!

When I got home, I found this on the white board in our kitchen:
You won't get the reference if you haven't seen "Galaxy Quest" :p

Anyway, thats it for now, more pictures and entries to come soon!