Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Haze, Summer Days, End of Summer Semester-itis

I don't wanna do ANYTHING!
Well...correction, I don't wanna do anything school related!
I can't focus. I tried to study today. It didn't work. I wound up eating (which is bad since I've been working so hard to not eat when I'm bored/upset/etc.) Todays Goals, SO not met!

The most I've done today was take down all the pictures from my walls and start packing a few things
See, orange bag all packed, and a few smaller boxes...I'm pretty sure this is the cleanest part of my dorm right now :p

I wasn't gonna blog again until finals were much for that!

Tonight I was getting antsy and needed to get out.
I went for a drive - sometimes I'd rather be alone on these little outings, other times I want company (it'll be nice if one day I have a companion to join me on these little adventures - be it a roommate, best friend, boyfriend, husband...or even a dog :p).

It was sunset when I left so I drove to one of my favorite spots on campus - the big parking lot near the engineering building - you can see the skyline of SLC from there - it's pretty awesome.
I took a few self portraits:

(Narcissistic that I'm posting so many pics of me in one post? Maybe. But it IS my blog! So...Nyeh!)

Here are some pics of the skyline and the clouds that were hanging out over the engineering building:
I'm tempted to use this ^^^ one to create some kind of inspirational poster... so cliche right!?

You'll notice all these pictures have a vintage-y flair to em...yeah...I was messing with some new vintage presets in Lightroom. I really kind of love the faded/hazy/yellow/orangey look of vintage photos lately.

After a bit I decided to go drive around town a bit (I really love SLC, most people seem to complain, but I have to say, it's really got character and there's always something cool to look at! Especially at night, it's like a whole other place at night!)

As I usually do on these little outings, I wound up at the Temple.
The sky was really pretty when I got there. Unfortunately, the moment I got out of my car, the sun decided to just dive below the horizon, so I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I did manage to get a few shots:

Out on the street corner, there was a piper (wearing a full Scottish gettup, kilt and everything) playing for everyone. It was fantastic, but even more fantastic was when all the sister missionaries were walking home, he started to play "Called to Serve" - it was one of the most awesome things I've ever witnessed in my life! :)

I wasn't really able to get a shot of the piper (every time I moved to get a clear shot, the whole corner would fill up with people waiting to cross the street and the shot was blocked). I wound up crossing the street and just trying to see what I could get from there. This is what I wound up with (I probably would have gotten some better shots if I'd had my mini tripod with me, but of course, I didn't).

Side note: All of these photots were taken with my Sony point and shoot camera.
Anyway...I guess I should either try and get some sleep or try and accomplish something...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Quick Update Before Things Get Crazy...

So! I'm getting ready to really get into studying for finals and writing all those wonderful "last-minute, end-of-the-semester, oh-you-have-a-final?-let-me-stress-you-out-more-with-a-15pg-paper!" papers. So...busy!

I've been avoiding getting a head start chilling out a bit (just finished midterms, figured I was due for a lazy day or two) before all that happens.

I'm *SO* lucky that I get to move out of the dorms (which is gonna involve not just packing, but also cleaning [most of which, I'll wind up doing because my roommate never cleans and I don't wanna get stuck with any fees] - blegh!) during the SAME week as finals! X_x

I have two final exams on Friday (the 5th) and I have to sign out of the dorm by 2pm on Sat. (the 6th). So, that's gonna be fun...

It sucks that right when things get busy and I HAVE to be here...I suddenly REALLY wanna get out of UT (I could SO go for a weekend in CA right about now). happier news...

I'm starting to love exercising (I particularly love it after exercising. Before exercising, I usually have to really psych myself up for it XP) and I'm definitely noting differences! My back is definitely stronger (it used to be sore all the time cause...who knows! Now it's sore all the time because I'm actually building up muscles! :P), I've got abs ( they're nowhere near being visible - but they are there - I promise!), and my stamina has increased (I can get up all the stairs to my floor [3rd floor] without getting outta breath!). I've probably lost about 8lbs too...but more importantly, I'm toning up! :)

Side note: I still absolutely loathe sweating. I will NEVER enjoy that aspect of exercise. Even if (in the words of my friend) "Sweat is fat crying!" :p

Lately, I've had two songs on repeat (they'd be on repeat on my iPod, but it's kind of out of commission until I update my Apple developer program thing...cause I have a beta iOS installed on it and I can't seem to get it to downgrade to the current iOS's refusing to function). But I'm on Spotify and Grooveshark I was saying, on repeat:

This song because I'm in love...with life mostly...even though I don't really have one (since all I ever do is study or exercise :p)

This song because I'm *finally* getting over a guy (which I'm sure all my friends will rejoice about, cause I totally know they're all so freaking sick of hearing about it). Yay! - Seriously, it's so obnoxious how a guy can get to you even when he isn't around! It's just one of the many reasons I've come to really dislike dating...and the majority of the male gender. Whatever, I'm over it.

Last of all (and mostly cause I hate writing posts without a picture), I took this photo yesterday night (no, it wasn't that late at night, it was like 9:30 but I decided that I wanted to go for a drive). This is right across from President's Circle. (I honestly didn't realize that the underground "Pie Pizzeria" that everyone loves so much, was just over there! - Anyway, I'd like to go sometime, but generally dislike going to new places alone, so if anyone wants to go with me sometime - lemme know!)
Oh yeah...the reflection is because I didn't have my tripod with me (and my camera isn't particularly fond of trying to shoot in such a low-light situation while being hand-held) so I set my camera on top of my car to take the pic...thus the reflection in the car. :p

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Blah-g Post!

Oh look at that, I haven't blogged in almost a, wait - it's only July 19th (my mind keeps trying to jump me ahead to August...probably cause that's when summer classes end, I move into my new apt., and Fall classes begin).

So, here's a quick update on the past 15 days...
  • I uploaded the non-linear short story I wrote about Chernobyl for my Writing for New Media class, you can see/read it (HERE).
  • This is where I'm at in terms of graduating (apparently the picture just HAD to have it's own bullet point...what a snob):
  • After Fall semester, I'll only have about 8 classes left (about 2 semesters) - assuming I can get into the classes that are required for my major (if I can't, then it's gonna draw this out a little longer...which will definitely upset me...but the upside will be that I can push back loan repayment AND I can continue to avoid getting one of those "paying-your-dues-entry-level-blah" type jobs that you get between getting your degree and finding your career). I'm hoping to be done by the end of next summer though. -- GPA isn't really that high, by the end of the summer semester it'll be closer to a 3.1
  • I thought I bombed a test for my Vis. Comm. class (turned out I managed to get an 83...not too shabby considering the fact that I only read about 1/2 the readings and missed the review) - I also got a 94 on a scrapbook project for the same class. If I'm lucky, I think I'll manage to get a B in this class (which I realize isn't exactly aiming high, but I'm trying to do well in all my classes while also keeping myself from getting overly stressed - if that means getting a B in order  to keep my sanity, then so be it)!
  • I got through a paper (book report/analysis paper) and an all essay midterm (both due at the exact same time - I wound up pulling an all-nighter to finish reading the book and write the paper by 8am and then spent the hours between 9 and 11:50 working on the midterm. IF zombies could feel...I could seriously say that I know how they feel (although, if they're undead do they really feel tired and achey?)
  • I started a new workout routine (well...not really "routine" I really just threw in a little more structure) by starting the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred:
For the record: I am a total wuss! I've done level 1 multiple times over the past week and 1/2 (midterms threw me off, and finals probably will to so it's gonna wind up being more of a 30-ish Day Shred :p) and I STILL haven't gotten through Level 1 without wussing out one way or another. Today, I thought I'd go ahead and give Level 2 a try...I made it through 5 minutes and then switched back to Level 1. 
  • I've started using Google+ and I love it. If you don't know what it is, it's basically Facebook (but greatly improved) with a bit of Twitter thrown in. You can read more about it (HERE). It's given me a way to interact and network MUCH more with Photographers, Designers, etc. without worrying about giving away too much personal information (or just being obnoxious in general - anyone who's friends with me on Facebook, knows what I'm talking about).
    Anyway - I have invites if you're interested.
    • I've been trying to really make an effort when it comes to social networking because I really want to be able to confidently say that I know how to use social networking. The better I know how to use social networking, the better I think I can get an idea of how it can really be harnessed for marketing by businesses and how it can create more symbiotic relationships between customers and companies/professionals. Social networking is quickly becoming the main tool people use to interact with one another on a broader level (even globally), it's also becoming one of the main ways that we can interact with our world. I realize people complain about it all the time "Oh, it's the fall of Western Civilization all because of Myspace and Facebook blah blah blah..." but the thing is, if people don't stop complaining and start accepting it and using it to it's fullest potential, then we'll all miss out on an opportunity to make social networking a GOOD thing rather than a BAD thing. For example, if we set a standard now of insisting that companies are more responsive and transparent in their dealings with customers, think of how that would improve businesses in the long run? If we learn now how to really use and implement this technology, think of all the GOOD that can come of it. Things only get bad if you LET them!

      Okay, I'll get off the soap box now...but expect to see a blog post about this in the future!
  • I've had "boy problems" - Let's just turn this into a quick analogy:
    *I used to have this favorite cookie Choco-Chip, but things got pretty bad between the Choco-chip cookie and I so we split, and I avoided the Choco-chip cookie.
    *A long while (and other cookies) later, I started to talk to with Sugar cookie, and then hung out with Sugar cookie for a bit (and realized that Sugar cookie's a LOT of fun to be around).
    *Shortly after this, I started to talk to Choco-Chip cookie again and realized that it was still my favorite (but I kind of felt like I shouldn't give into this realization because, as the saying goes, 'history repeats itself').
    *Decided not to give into realization and to try and move on (but it's really difficult). Meanwhile, Sugar cookie is busy, but still sweet on me. Although I think its interest in becoming a favorite has waned.
    *I realized that through ALL this, there are a couple of other cookies (we'll call em...'Boy Scout' cookies) that are around every now and then and are all very sweet on me, so I'm happy to spend time with them, but I kind of question their level of interest.
    *For now, I've decided to just let things happen, I've put forth too much effort in the past and things got crumbly. Besides, all the worry and thought I put into cookie selection and etc. usually just stresses me out WAY more than it needs to. If a cookie's interested in becoming my favorite, I'm sure it will figure out a way to make it happen (not like it's THAT difficult). 
I know what you're thinking! "Did she just compare guys to cookies?!" Yes, yes I did...but only because the category was the first thing I could think of that has no obvious hierarchy (beyond personal preferences) and contains a variety of different entities. 
....I never was all that good with analogies.  - So...yeah, that's my dating life - for now - but that was just the last 2 weeks...stuff happens quickly in my life! :p
  • Oh, so speaking of food! - A while back, I reviewed a Bakery and Tea shop here in SLC on and today I received the Yelp - SLC Newsletter in my inbox and found that, MY review is one of the Picks of the Week! (Probably only because they did a search for "tea reviews" and mine was the most recent one posted)  - Apparently it's pretty easy to make me feel accomplished.
  • Update on my goal of getting more sleep - It's not working out so well. Between the random all-nighters (which are my fault and I'm trying to prevent em) and all the noise of the dorms (at all hours of the day/night too - mostly loud people, loud parties, and loud music - there IS a sound curfew, but no one obeys it and and no one enforces it), I really haven't been getting very much sleep.  :\
    Thank goodness I move out at the end of the month.
  • Update on my goal of eating better - Did I NOT just use an entire cookie analogy!? So...I'm not exactly eating better - the dining hall is ALWAYS crowded (EFY, conferences, and sports camps ensure this throughout the summer) and lately I've been avoiding it like the plague, and just eating granola bars or whatever cheap this or that I can get at the deli (usually sushi/CA rolls or a salad <- but with tons of dressing cause for some reason I've been completely averse to greens - no idea why!) Every now and then (but definitely more often than I should) I'll go out to get something (I'm addicted to the Cheddar Broccoli soup at Corner Bakery Cafe - I don't even like broccoli! - and I am in LOVE with L&L Hawaiian's Kalua Pork and Spam Musubi, so much so that I'm now determined to learn how to make it myself). The good news is that I'm eating less, the bad news is that it's either WAY less than I should (I'm certain my body is growing ever more concerned that there's a food shortage that it doesn't know about) or just stuff that's not particularly healthy.  This will all improve soon enough when I'm living with my cousin...I just hope she's cool with my taking over the kitchen now and then (don't worry, I'll do the dishes!) :p

Okay...well...I'm gonna call that good for now.
At this point,...I'm pretty sure that only my Mom, Aunt, and bestie, Jessica read my blog (<- I still read yours Jess...I've just been lame about commenting, sorry!)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

I'd really like to be one who can share something really deep about freedom and Independence (naturally, as an Army brat, I'm thankful for my Dad's - as well as every other soldier's - service in the military and I appreciate the freedom I have as a citizen of the United States), but honestly, I've never been one to come up with something like that at the right moment and according to my mind, there's no reason to start now.

So instead, I'll simply just share some random bits from this weekend. Proof that you don't necessarily have to do a traditional Bar-B-Que and Fireworks to celebrate the 4th.

Friday evening - I went to the SLC temple (rather late too, and was lectured for it. As a result, from now on, I'll be sure to have a buddy accompany me). I do have to say though that I really prefer the temple later at night, because it's all lit up so lovely, there are no crowds or creepy/crazy protesters, and it's actually nice and quiet. Very calming. - You do however have to ignore the random couples that like to hang out in the grass.

Anyway - I snapped this photo (and a bunch of other photos) of the temple with my cell phone (it's the most reliable camera I have since I almost ALWAYS have it with me, unlike my DSLR and point and shoot :p) Sunday, I got a random text message from my cousin Amanda inviting me to go with her to family dinner at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Which was super fun! We all had dinner (tasty as always, though my Aunt insisted that she just "threw it together," I definitely enjoyed it! :p)

After dinner, we hung out and chatted, my cousin Alex showed us his new iPad which he got for free from his job (I seriously need to get myself a job that has perks like THAT! :P). Then we went outside and my Uncle tightened the screws on my car battery (it had to be removed and charged after it died the other day - I had to have my car towed to an autoparts store) - he also checked the oil level, windshield wiper fluid, etc. which is why he's pretty much the coolest! :)

Once it got dark (which takes forever during the summer), my uncle set off some fireworks for us - which I LOVED! He had some scooters parked in the driveway and the fireworks were creating some pretty neat shadows on the garage door:Monday (today), SINCE It is the 4th of July today, everyone's been asking me what my plans were, but I haven't really had any (most of my friends are married and doing their own thing; out of town; etc.) and I don't come from a particularly celebratory family so, I didn't really have any plans.

Today, I've mostly decided to wing-it.

I'd planned to sleep in until at least noon (yes, yes, I know - "Early to bed, early to rise, blah blah blah...") but around 11 I was woken up by my cell phone making text-y noises. My friend Scott and (a few minutes later) Jessica texted me. After a short convo. with them, I promptly stuck my phone under my pillow and tried to go back to sleep...eventually I dragged (drug?) myself out of
bed and decided to exercise for a bit (for the record, lunges hurt just as much as planks and I'm going to be VERY sore tomorrow).

After showering, I decided to get a movie going to have on in the background while I did a little homework. Typically, for my family, a holiday is an excuse to eat a lot and spend the day off watching TV (which is actually quite nice once we all actually agree on what to watch :p) and since every year you can generally find "Independence Day" on TV - I usually wind up watching that. So, today, I watched Independence day - because nothing says 'patriotic' like watching Will Smith fight off an alien invasion!
After watching "Independence Day," I decided to run to the store real quick to take a break from homework and pick up some double-sided tape (I have a 'scrapbook' project to do for my vis. comm. class and while my cousin gave me some free scrapbook papers - I didn't realize I was lacking in any kind of adhesives for the project :p). - On a whim, I also picked up a set of gel pens (the 6th grader in me is absolutely giddy about this purchase and REALLY wants to write a variety of silly/fun notes/letters to friends right away! :p)

By the time I'd finished at the store, it was dinner time and I thought I'd get something 'patriotic' for dinner - a hot dog and I remembered that Five Guys has em...however, I couldn't bring myself to order a hotdog at a hamburger place (especially a place that has my favorite hamburgers!) So I got one of those instead and...FRIES! <3 (I'm certain that, that single meal alone completely negated any of today's exercise).

I've kind of gotten into the habit of photographing my food...I'm not sure why I've been doing it, but it definitely has become a bit of a habit... - Like I didn't have enough odd quirks before! :p

Anyway, once I got home, I sat down to do a little homework and realized that it was rather now I've got "Sherlock" on in the background (you can stream it on Netflix) - This will be my 9th time watching the 3 episode season of the show...I am absolutely in love with it! - Though...I really have no idea how watching a British show is patriotic...mostly cause it makes me wish I were living in the UK! :p

Happy 4th of July! :)