Relevant and Funny... (Calvin and Hobbes is one of my Favorites!)
Except I'm gonna make some resolutions anyway...
Think of it as a "12 in 2012" (to go along with my 30 Before 30 ...which I need to go back and edit :p) and these aren't really in any particular order.
- Learn/Improve Time Management Skills - Between my internship, classes, other resolutions, Institute publicity committee, and the hope of actually having a social life, I'm really going to need to manage my time wisely this semester!
- Get in Shape - Because "blob" is not a shape. No, I don't intend to completely lose my curves (cause I actually really like em) but I do intend to tone up, lose some weight, and get healthier in general.
- Eat Better - (although I think technically, this one should really be more like "Get some willpower") I'm planning on cutting back on calories and trying to stick to a more paleo diet. (I already try to limit, if not avoid dairy because I'm lactose intolerant, but gluten intolerance runs in my family [actually, most people are gluten intolerant, they just don't know it] so I figure it couldn't hurt to see if cutting out gluten and grains maybe wouldn't help give me more energy. Although, it'll be difficult since I really love carbs).
- Do more with my camera(s) - I have a P&S, a DSLR, and a camera on my phone but I feel like I haven't been doing a lot of photography. I'm planning on maybe doing a 365 project and hopefully trying to do more photography in general. Take portraits, go on photo adventures, etc.
- Be a Better Friend - The past few semesters have been super busy and I haven't had a lot of opportunities to spend time with my friends, especially those in Provo/Orem which makes me sad. Hopefully that can be remedied.
- Increase Spirituality - Obviously one to always be working on. And naturally it includes getting better at scripture study, completing visiting teaching and callings, etc. etc.
- Graduate - I should add "...without burnout." I'll probably walk in May, but I won't officially be done with my degree until the end of summer.
- Date More - I can't really say that I particularly enjoy dating (if you think I'm awkward in a casual group settings, I promise - I'm worse in a one-on-one date setting...and probably even moreso, the more interested I am in the guy). However, in this past year I've been on a grand total of (maybe) 2 dates this whole year [assuming they counted as dates, cause 50% of the time, guys don't specifically say "date" so I can't always tell if it's a hang out or a date - so confusing and yet another way to make sure it's awkward]. This year, it would be nice if I could at the very, very least top out at 3. :p
- Improve My Sleeping Habits - I don't think I've ever had good sleeping habits. But I do have more energy and am more active and productive when I get enough sleep, so it's probably a good goal to have.
- Increase My Intelligence - One of my favorite parts of Academic team in high school was learning all the random bits of trivia, I knew a little bit about everything (a lot of which, I learned on my own through research and reading) and most of the stuff I learned, I still know - but part of the fun of it all was learning! (The second part of the fun was showing off my random trivia knowledge! :P) I'd like to get back into learning about a wide variety of things, various, random facts and anecdotes - stuff like that!
- Decrease My Awkwardness - I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this goal...but it is a goal! I'll never be a Grace Kelly or an Audrey Hepburn in terms of grace and class...but if I could get to a point where I can get through a simple conversation without saying something awkward or being too loud or anything, that would be awesome.
- Be Awesome - Mostly because my mind blanked and I needed one more goal :p
So, yep - those are my goals for 2012! :)
What are yours??