Sunday, May 8, 2011

My 30 Before 30 List!

These are 30 Things I'd Like to Do Before I Turn 30.
(I will be 30 on Sunday, May 2, 2021)
  • Graduate from College with a Bachelor's Degree.
  • Fall in love and marry in the temple <3 (Bonus - Family pictures, every year! ^^)
  • Be absolutely worthy of the blessings mentioned in my patriarchal blessing.
  • Find a home (by which I mean an apartment/house/whatever where I could potentially live for a minimum of 4 years without having to pack up and move!)
  • Go abroad (and take like a million pictures while traveling!)
  • Get into the best physical shape of my life. (Not necessarily "Skinny" but definitely "Healthy!")
  • Love My Job! (Whether I'm working as a photographer, designer, housewife, and/or mother, etc. etc.)
  • Be able to speak at least 1 foreign language, fluently.
  • Buy a car (one that I paid for, and not actually belonging to my parents :P)
  • Scrapbook (or at the very least, find some way to efficiently organize and journal all the events of my life so I can look back on everything one day).
  • Create a body of work (photography/design/art) that I can be truly proud of.
  • Pay off my Student Loans. (At the very least, pay off 1/2 of the total amount upon graduation).
  • Own my own firearm (but pray every day that I will never actually have to use it for protection).
  • Learn to get prepared for emergencies without letting fear get the better of me (actually have food storage, emergency kits, etc. and be able to put them together without having a breakdown, freak out, or nightmares).
  • Find a healthy and effective way to manage my stress.
  • Memorize all the scripture mastery scriptures. (Bonus points - in 2 languages!)
  • Learn how to do at least 1 ballroom dance (preferably tango).
  • Teach others about something I'm passionate about (photography, design, etc.)
  • Live in a big city.
  • Receive a love letter.
  • Go on a road trip with at least 3 other friends - record videos and take lots of pictures along the way.
  • Learn to write thank you cards (and always do so when good manners calls for it!)
  • Win a game of Risk
  • Go to DIsneyLand AND DisneyWorld
  • Express to my friends/family how much I love them and how much they mean to me!
  • Make a difference in someone's life.
  • Learn to manage my allergies so well that they don't affect my days at all.
  • Find and buy a pair of CUTE and COMFORTABLE high heels :p (Bonus - Learn to walk in said high heels!)
  • Learn to be more patient.
  • Live to age 30 (...maybe this should have been the first thing on the list! :P)


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Solution Saturday...

I don't think this will be a weekly thing, but I like alliteration so I figured it'd be an acceptable post title! :P

So, first problem?
I've gotten a little *cough*a lot!*cough* outta shape since I left UT to visit family for 2 months. Prior to leaving UT, I had access to the community gym and was hitting the treadmills there about 5 days a week for 30-40 min.
The solution?
Once I return to UT, I will once again have access to treadmills and what-not since I'll be living on-campus and can get to the rec./fitness center *yay!*
Since I'm not so great about setting up fitness plans (generally I just wing it and then get upset when I'm not seeing any improvement) so...I've found a few simple ones that I think I could follow!
A Little Encouragement: (1) (2) (3)

Okay, Second problem?
I've never been much of a breakfast person. I don't know if it's because of hypoglycemia (my blood sugar drops so low while I sleep that I wake up feeling kinda sick pretty much every morning) or because I've never been particularly fond of breakfast foods at breakfast time (I'm very texture specific, and squishy eggs, mushy oatmeal, and soggy cereal just don't sound particularly pleasant to me - especially in the morning).

The Solution?
THIS amazing bowl. Isn't it brilliant!? I totally want one! :P

Third Problem?
Apparently there are lots of potholes in Paris. (There are lots of potholes in other places as well).

The Solution?
A Parisian Woman started to fill potholes with yarn! It's not a permanent or perfect solution, but it looks cool and maybe it'll lead to a more permanent solution by hinting to authorities that something needs to be done!

Last Problem?
Too much Facebook?

Envision a world without Facebook (personally, I prefer a world WITH Facebook, it's easier to share things with friends).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Embracing the Transition

(I actually wrote this a few months ago, but seeing as how I haven't updated this blog in forever and need to start updating it a little more consistently, I figured I'd start by posting this :P )

Disclaimer: I tend to be pretty over dramatic, so when I say "all my friends" I generally just mean the 40% of them that are engaged/married/etc. - I DO have single friends too - but I was whining when I wrote this so I just HAD to be overdramatic and say "all" :P

I still feel like I'm too young for this.
I am too young to have friends getting married, running around with husbands/wives, and having kids!
I've missed quite a few opportunities to go out and have fun with all my SINGLE friends, and now instead I'm playing "guest" for my married friends who are playing living "house"!
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my friends! They're the most amazing people I know!

But I've been just a LITTLE left behind in the transition.
At first I was a little upset, "All my friends are abandoning me for MARRIAGE!?" Now all I'm ever gonna hear about is how they spent the day dutifully cleaning the house/going to work to bring home the bacon and what they made for dinner for their husbands/how they enjoy their wife's cooking, blah blah blah! And what about when they have kids!? Every conversation from then on out is gonna consist of topics like teething, lost pacifiers/toys, naps, etc. etc. etc.

Now, I'm not opposed to marriage or families (I'm just not quite ready for all that, I'm sure I will be one day - but today is not that day). And it's not jealousy (I can be kind of 'flakey' sometimes and therefore I can appreciate the freedom of single life and while I'm not particularly fond of 'dating' I do enjoy spending time with guy friends...yeah I guess it's called dating, I just don't like all the discomfort that comes with the term, okay?! :p)

And it's not like I feel left out or anything. Actually I've been pretty well kept in the loop from engagements to weddings, etc. etc. (which I do appreciate cause its how I know I'm still valued as a friend)!

So why have I felt just a little bit bothered by my friends' happy transitions from single>engaged>married>contemplating and/or having kids?! Well, because I'm just not there yet. I'm young, I'm single, I'm indecisive and not yet prepared to be responsible for a home, husband, and kids. I don't want to be unhappy tho, and I don't want to hold it against my friends that they're moving forward and I sometimes feel like I'm not.

The solution?! An attitude adjustment!
I'm just gonna do what I do but appreciate what they're doing to!
I've decided that I'm not gonna be upset or feel left behind. I haven't been left behind! My friends haven't abandoned me for marriage! I'm still living my life and moving forward. I still hang out with my friends and they're still the same people, they just have other things to be concerned with and to discuss, and I'm okay with that. I've decided to see these married/family life conversations as a lesson for me (after all, these are the same friends that I'm gonna be coming to asking for advice once I'm engaged/married/having kids).

I was worried about having to suffer through conversations about married/family life - but I really ought to be happy that my friends still see me as someone who can be supportive of them and as someone they can talk to about everything that's going on in their lives (even if I'm not yet experiencing it myself). And I am happy! I'm happy and proud of my friends and I am going to be around to be supportive and helpful in anyway that I can be! Because I love my friends!