These are 30 Things I'd Like to Do Before I Turn 30.
(I will be 30 on Sunday, May 2, 2021)
- Graduate from College with a Bachelor's Degree.
- Fall in love and marry in the temple <3 (Bonus - Family pictures, every year! ^^)
- Be absolutely worthy of the blessings mentioned in my patriarchal blessing.
- Find a home (by which I mean an apartment/house/whatever where I could potentially live for a minimum of 4 years without having to pack up and move!)
- Go abroad (and take like a million pictures while traveling!)
- Get into the best physical shape of my life. (Not necessarily "Skinny" but definitely "Healthy!")
- Love My Job! (Whether I'm working as a photographer, designer, housewife, and/or mother, etc. etc.)
- Be able to speak at least 1 foreign language, fluently.
- Buy a car (one that I paid for, and not actually belonging to my parents :P)
- Scrapbook (or at the very least, find some way to efficiently organize and journal all the events of my life so I can look back on everything one day).
- Create a body of work (photography/design/art) that I can be truly proud of.
- Pay off my Student Loans. (At the very least, pay off 1/2 of the total amount upon graduation).
- Own my own firearm (but pray every day that I will never actually have to use it for protection).
- Learn to get prepared for emergencies without letting fear get the better of me (actually have food storage, emergency kits, etc. and be able to put them together without having a breakdown, freak out, or nightmares).
- Find a healthy and effective way to manage my stress.
- Memorize all the scripture mastery scriptures. (Bonus points - in 2 languages!)
- Learn how to do at least 1 ballroom dance (preferably tango).
- Teach others about something I'm passionate about (photography, design, etc.)
- Live in a big city.
- Receive a love letter.
- Go on a road trip with at least 3 other friends - record videos and take lots of pictures along the way.
- Learn to write thank you cards (and always do so when good manners calls for it!)
- Win a game of Risk
- Go to DIsneyLand AND DisneyWorld
- Express to my friends/family how much I love them and how much they mean to me!
- Make a difference in someone's life.
- Learn to manage my allergies so well that they don't affect my days at all.
- Find and buy a pair of CUTE and COMFORTABLE high heels :p (Bonus - Learn to walk in said high heels!)
- Learn to be more patient.
- Live to age 30 (...maybe this should have been the first thing on the list! :P)