Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So, I'm pretty proud of myself.
The past two months I've made some changes...

--I'm taking school a little more seriously (although it's kind of lame that I've only just decided to do that now when I'm hitting my final year before I get my degree).

--I'm managing my finances better (even though I was technically forced to do so since I didn't get any of my financial aid until JUST a week or 2 ago and had to make do with what I had *which was pretty much nothing* - turns out, I'm pretty good at managing with very little, so I guess one day should my family fall on hard times *crossing my fingers that we don't!*, I'll at least know what to do.)

--I've learned how to avoid emotional eating and I've begun to eat healthier and exercise regularly (and much more effectively) - I've actually lost some weight (though that wasn't really my goal - I'm not complainin')!

--I'm learnING (as in...I'm working on it) to be a little more level headed when it comes to making decisions (especially those that could potentially affect [or is it effect, I used to have a handle on this!] other people ...ah, maturity! I knew I would develop some sooner or later!) AND, since I know that I'll one day be married and have children (thank you, Heavenly Father, for that little doozy of a news flash) - I've started to try and think ahead about how my actions and habits might one day have an affect on them (don't get me wrong, I'm still doing what I can to enjoy being single and childless for now, but it can't hurt to become a better person along the way).

For the longest time I've pushed my life forward, ignoring every impression, instinct, and bit of advice that came at me, and forced things to happen (I've always thought this was good, like I'm a "go getter!") but considering how this usually ends...I've decided to let life happen a little more naturally/organically (I still have my ambitions and goals of course, but I've decided not to push as hard for them. Especially when it comes to dating -___-'') I need to learn to listen to good advice and to the promptings of the spirit so that I can do what I need to do not just what I WANT to do. Just cause I can make things happen, doesn't mean I should. Someone told me recently that sometimes I just need to let life act upon me so that when I do take action, it's a calm, accepting reaction rather than a forcing action.

--I'm trying to strengthen my testimony. I've decided to read the entire BoM all the way through (I keep saying that I'm going to, but never actually go through with it - this time, I'm determined). I read a little bit of it at various moments throughout the day (in the dining hall and on the shuttle to class) every day. And I've been very consistent with my prayers (I've NEVER been consistent with my prayers.) - Last semester, I was talking to my Mom every single day but never spoke to God. Now I pray EVERY day and ...Mom hears from much less often (which might sound sad, but I'm sure that for her, it's a welcome break :p). Last of all, I've made it a personal goal to get to the temple before the year is over (preferably more than one visit but I'm trying to keep my goals simple enough that I don't overwhelm myself...yes, I'm lame - let's just focus on the fact that I at least WANT to go, that's a REALLY good sign!)

--Last of all, I know it might not seem like it to a lot of my friends, but I am actually managing my stress a LITTLE bit better. (Getting SO stressed that I burned myself out and had to take a WHOLE semester off, was a really big deal for me. I never want to get that stressed again!) I don't think I've really found anything that really works for me just yet, but I'm still trying. I've been trying not to take on too much; getting more sleep; and when I feel "blah" and can't focus, I'm more comfortable taking a break (I usually wind up dancing around and singing along *loudly and off-key* to some fun music; doing some crunches; or watching an episode of a TV show :p)

Even with ALL of that...I still feel like I still need to change something... X_x It's kinda driving me crazy! :p


MaryB said...

I like your new way of thinking, Kaylynne! I'm proud of you and all you've accomplished and for the new goals you've set for yourself.

Jessica Biscuit said...

in my experience, parents are always happier when they know their children are talking to God more than them anyhow. =P

Good post kaylynne. You remind me a lot of me...and I should hope I turned out well...so...I guess you will too. haha.

But seriously, I went through about the same things you're going through now. If you need any help at all I'm here, but life is so much more relaxing when you let it happen and focus on your testimony first.

Keep going! :)