Monday, July 25, 2011

Quick Update Before Things Get Crazy...

So! I'm getting ready to really get into studying for finals and writing all those wonderful "last-minute, end-of-the-semester, oh-you-have-a-final?-let-me-stress-you-out-more-with-a-15pg-paper!" papers. So...busy!

I've been avoiding getting a head start chilling out a bit (just finished midterms, figured I was due for a lazy day or two) before all that happens.

I'm *SO* lucky that I get to move out of the dorms (which is gonna involve not just packing, but also cleaning [most of which, I'll wind up doing because my roommate never cleans and I don't wanna get stuck with any fees] - blegh!) during the SAME week as finals! X_x

I have two final exams on Friday (the 5th) and I have to sign out of the dorm by 2pm on Sat. (the 6th). So, that's gonna be fun...

It sucks that right when things get busy and I HAVE to be here...I suddenly REALLY wanna get out of UT (I could SO go for a weekend in CA right about now). happier news...

I'm starting to love exercising (I particularly love it after exercising. Before exercising, I usually have to really psych myself up for it XP) and I'm definitely noting differences! My back is definitely stronger (it used to be sore all the time cause...who knows! Now it's sore all the time because I'm actually building up muscles! :P), I've got abs ( they're nowhere near being visible - but they are there - I promise!), and my stamina has increased (I can get up all the stairs to my floor [3rd floor] without getting outta breath!). I've probably lost about 8lbs too...but more importantly, I'm toning up! :)

Side note: I still absolutely loathe sweating. I will NEVER enjoy that aspect of exercise. Even if (in the words of my friend) "Sweat is fat crying!" :p

Lately, I've had two songs on repeat (they'd be on repeat on my iPod, but it's kind of out of commission until I update my Apple developer program thing...cause I have a beta iOS installed on it and I can't seem to get it to downgrade to the current iOS's refusing to function). But I'm on Spotify and Grooveshark I was saying, on repeat:

This song because I'm in love...with life mostly...even though I don't really have one (since all I ever do is study or exercise :p)

This song because I'm *finally* getting over a guy (which I'm sure all my friends will rejoice about, cause I totally know they're all so freaking sick of hearing about it). Yay! - Seriously, it's so obnoxious how a guy can get to you even when he isn't around! It's just one of the many reasons I've come to really dislike dating...and the majority of the male gender. Whatever, I'm over it.

Last of all (and mostly cause I hate writing posts without a picture), I took this photo yesterday night (no, it wasn't that late at night, it was like 9:30 but I decided that I wanted to go for a drive). This is right across from President's Circle. (I honestly didn't realize that the underground "Pie Pizzeria" that everyone loves so much, was just over there! - Anyway, I'd like to go sometime, but generally dislike going to new places alone, so if anyone wants to go with me sometime - lemme know!)
Oh yeah...the reflection is because I didn't have my tripod with me (and my camera isn't particularly fond of trying to shoot in such a low-light situation while being hand-held) so I set my camera on top of my car to take the pic...thus the reflection in the car. :p


Jessica Biscuit said...

first thing is first. I'm up for pizza! We can do it to celebrate your finals being finaled and your moving out of the dorms! (I get back on August 6th so its perfect...well, late night august 6th but whatever)

Also, I'm not freaking sick of hearing about it, but I am glad. It makes me laugh how soooo parallel it seems to me that our lives are. If you continue this way you'll get married when you're practically 25 (bummer) but you WILL get married. =P But yeah, I understand what you mean about boys. bleh.

What else was I gonna say? Nope, that's it. Maybe.

Oh yeah! You should come to Seattle with us sometime. Granted, we stay at my in-laws place so maybe I shouldn't just invite you...and we never really know WHEN we're going...but someday. Seattle is AMAZING for photography. Specially Pike Place Market. :)

And the sun hardly comes out so you won't die. =P

Jessica Biscuit said...

and get all the luck with roommates. sheesh

Kaylynne said...

Oh Yay! - Maybe we can do it that following week (cause I'm sure you'll wanna settle in the night of the 6th! lol)

I always feel like I'm doing nothing but annoying my friends (esp. married friends cause I know you're SO over dating!) talking about my silly/stupid guy problems! :p
lol - I'm actually okay with waiting it out a bit to get married so...25 is pretty likely! :P

Haha - A trip like that would be fun! :)
I've heard lots of cool things about Seattle (my grandpa and step-grandma used to live up there - they totally loved it).
Your comment about the sun = <3!!!! :D