Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Haze, Summer Days, End of Summer Semester-itis

I don't wanna do ANYTHING!
Well...correction, I don't wanna do anything school related!
I can't focus. I tried to study today. It didn't work. I wound up eating (which is bad since I've been working so hard to not eat when I'm bored/upset/etc.) Todays Goals, SO not met!

The most I've done today was take down all the pictures from my walls and start packing a few things
See, orange bag all packed, and a few smaller boxes...I'm pretty sure this is the cleanest part of my dorm right now :p

I wasn't gonna blog again until finals were much for that!

Tonight I was getting antsy and needed to get out.
I went for a drive - sometimes I'd rather be alone on these little outings, other times I want company (it'll be nice if one day I have a companion to join me on these little adventures - be it a roommate, best friend, boyfriend, husband...or even a dog :p).

It was sunset when I left so I drove to one of my favorite spots on campus - the big parking lot near the engineering building - you can see the skyline of SLC from there - it's pretty awesome.
I took a few self portraits:

(Narcissistic that I'm posting so many pics of me in one post? Maybe. But it IS my blog! So...Nyeh!)

Here are some pics of the skyline and the clouds that were hanging out over the engineering building:
I'm tempted to use this ^^^ one to create some kind of inspirational poster... so cliche right!?

You'll notice all these pictures have a vintage-y flair to em...yeah...I was messing with some new vintage presets in Lightroom. I really kind of love the faded/hazy/yellow/orangey look of vintage photos lately.

After a bit I decided to go drive around town a bit (I really love SLC, most people seem to complain, but I have to say, it's really got character and there's always something cool to look at! Especially at night, it's like a whole other place at night!)

As I usually do on these little outings, I wound up at the Temple.
The sky was really pretty when I got there. Unfortunately, the moment I got out of my car, the sun decided to just dive below the horizon, so I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I did manage to get a few shots:

Out on the street corner, there was a piper (wearing a full Scottish gettup, kilt and everything) playing for everyone. It was fantastic, but even more fantastic was when all the sister missionaries were walking home, he started to play "Called to Serve" - it was one of the most awesome things I've ever witnessed in my life! :)

I wasn't really able to get a shot of the piper (every time I moved to get a clear shot, the whole corner would fill up with people waiting to cross the street and the shot was blocked). I wound up crossing the street and just trying to see what I could get from there. This is what I wound up with (I probably would have gotten some better shots if I'd had my mini tripod with me, but of course, I didn't).

Side note: All of these photots were taken with my Sony point and shoot camera.
Anyway...I guess I should either try and get some sleep or try and accomplish something...


Jessica Biscuit said...

K first of (It's like I always start my comments to you like that) I can totally see you with a dog in your purse or something. C'mon poochy! We are going for a drive! =P

Anyhow, those pics are amazing.

You are right, SLC isn't bad. More exciting than the Pacific Coast cities? No. Good Asian food? Probably SOMEWHERE...maybe...they ARE getting a china town. Safer than LA? YES. haha!

But seriously, if you've been to phoenix you KNOW that SLC could be a LOT more uninteresting. So I agree with you, there is plenty to discover in Salt Lake, even if I WOULD take the Pacific Coast cities over it any day. To bad CA the pacific coast is so suffocatingly liberal....and expensive. heh.

I'm jealous of your P&S. I want one. I was looking online and I when my camera finally kicks the bucket (which will probably be soon...ish...can anyone say "drop it off the ferry on the puget sound? =P) I want a canon s95. But they are like 400 dollars. Given that they shoot HD video though...maybe I can convince Andrew we need it since he wants a video camera anyhow. Then HE would use it too and my children might know they had a mother! It's a foolproof plan.

Or you know, I could wait like a year for them to come out with a better model that I'll want even more but I'll settle for the S95 that is now only 200 dollars =P

Jessica Biscuit said...

k...I have a bad habit of not closing my quote marks. And also, that was supposed to say "the pacific coast cities" not "CA the pacific coast cities"

look. I closed my quotes. hee.

MaryB said...

I MUST get prints of your temple pics!

Julie said...

I love those temple pics. I didn't realize the temple was lit up so pretty at night.

Kaylynne said...

Jessica - Haha, that is kind of how you start everything (that's okay - I dig!).

IDK about a dog in a purse, I'd probably go for something a little bigger so he can protect my car while I'm taking pics :p

lol Well I wasn't about to compare SLC to my beloved San Diego! (...or anywhere else).

I'd be happy to go to other cities, I just haven't gotten the chance so I figure that while I'm here in SLC, I'm gonna explore and find reasons to appreciate it's own brand of unique-ness!

lol I don't mind the liberal-ness of CA (IDK why but I really don't get as annoyed by it as most people seem to :p ...Probably cause I avoid most people anyway lol) - It IS expensive, I will agree with that!

My P&S was just $175, I found it on Amazon.
I *wanted* to get a Canon G12 (but those are like $500 XP)

Haha - What you really NEED to do is teach Andrew Photography! :)

Julie - Thanks! I think they leave it lit up all night too (though I've never been there after 11:30 :p)

Jessica Biscuit said...

*three weeks later* I think that San Diego and a lot of SoCal excluding LA are actually quite conservative but I was referring more to the Bay Area since I'm kind of sorta in love with SF. However...I also think that on visits, anywhere except San Fran you probably won't notice the liberalness.

And ironically, after I'm home from Seattle...I DID lose my camera in Seattle go figure (just not by dropping it off the ferry). But until I can afford something new (see my recent blog post to see where THAT money will go) I guess I'll have to deal with a broken LCD screen. Andrew knows how to take pictures...the best ones from Seattle (which you still haven't seen) were his. AUGH. He just never takes the camera.