Thursday, January 19, 2012

Project 365

PROJECT 365 Weeks 2-3(ish)


Jessica Biscuit said...

I really like day 12 and 14...I think. I can't see them anymore. The one of your car and the meatballs and asparagus.

Side note: kudos for eating asparagus. I generally don't eat anything long and green. No scratch that, I like cucumbers. But I have a recipe for greenbeans that looks promising so maybe I can add that to my repitiore. =P

And that google maps picture a route from your house to Jared's? *suspicious look* =P

Kaylynne said...

The food for day 14 - I'm not allowed to make ever again; apparently the smells were too strong for my roommate (the meatballs are kind of a german-y/bavarian recipe and they're served with saurkraut) - but at least they made for a cool photo. :p

lol - I've been having a really hard time eating veggies (I can't seem to find a way to prepare them that actually makes me like the taste :p) -- Let me know if that recipe is any good, I may have to snag it from ya! :)

And...yes. I didn't get a photo of him and I together the night we decided to be a couple, so I figured a shot of the map could work :p

Jessica Biscuit said...

So I tried that greenbean recipe. It was amazing. I don't even like green beans (like at all) and I went back for seconds!

I'm not sure if an actual link is gonna appear there or if you'll have to copy and paste. I fully intend to blog about it.

I forget the specifications of your diet but I think if bacon is too greasy, you can cut it out and it'll be ok and I guess coconut oil can be subbed for the olive oil. And there is gluten free soy sauce at Winco, maybe other stores (or maybe you have some). I don't know if soy sauce would really affect you much, but I had a companion who was a celiac and we had to find gluten free soy sauce. I didn't even know it HAD wheat in it!!!

Jessica Biscuit said...

oh. I went back and read your paleo post. The recipe has a tablespoon of sugar (I halved it...a pound of green beans for 2 people is a lot). So I dunno if that matters.

and I was gonna say something else but now I forget. curses.


you could try roasting vegetables. just sprinkle broccoli or carrots or cauliflower with oil and salt and pepper them and put them in a 400 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes. You can throw minced garlic in with them too for an added punch of flavor.

SUPER good.

Jessica Biscuit said...

also makes the house smell good, which your roommate might appreciate =P

Jessica Biscuit said...

blah. I wish that blogger let you edit your old posts so that I wasn't posting like 500 comments.

Anyhow, so ignore pretty much everything I say because I don't know anything. This diet is too multi-faceted for me, I keep focusing on all the mini diets within it (ie. gluten free)

Aaaaaaaanywho. So I didn't realize green beans were legumes. bah. That makes all the other things I was worrying about completely pointless. I did see on the website that someone subbed broccoli for the beans and it was still really good.

And also, olive oil is ok apparently so I would highly recommend olive oil if you roast any veggies, just for taste.

k. I think I got everything. if not, I'll just write you an email or something. =P