Thursday, February 16, 2012

His Side of the Story [Part 2]

Okay ya'll! Ready for part 2 of his side of the story!? - Seriously, if you weren't thinking before that he might be pretty flippin awesome, wait until ya read this! (Minor editing and comments made by yours truly!)

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. [Part 2]

Here I am writing part two, of Boy Meet's Girl, Girl Meets Boy. Not an original title by any stretch of the imagination. I didn't really intend it to be, but I suppose I could have done better. Though I do digress. My mom mentioned I left off at a very bad time. I believe the exact quotation was, "Just as it was getting interesting." I don't disagree with the comment at all. It was just getting interesting, and then class had to go and end. It was quite inconsiderate of it to do so, interrupt the creative process in all, but then again given I was the one writing during class perhaps I was the one being inconsiderate....Nah...that seems hardly plausible. Anyway, here I am, sitting in a library, of which I plan to pen, er, type out the rest of the delightful story that y'all have been waiting read.

I do admit the previous paragraph did serve purpose as to arouse my creative faculties so that the next bit may be adequately written. As previously stated, this public record, this journal entry of sorts, is not my style so I must warm up if I am to do the event justice. The following represents the tender moments of realization and love that I have come to known and cherish. Alas, there is a voice in the back of my mind quoting a well quoted movie, "Get on with it!" [My sentiments exactly! :P]

Let's see now, where did I leave off? Ah, I know, she shot my truck. Moving on. Kaylynne and I still kept in contact on Facebook through the eventful year of 2011 There were a lot of events in my life that happened. I was involved in a relationship, which did not end well. My sister got married. I changed jobs, in part due to the economic slowdown. I moved once, then twice, I made goals and saw those goals fulfilled. Honestly all of them were experiences that allowed me to mature. Both spiritually, and mentally. My outlook on life, my goals, dreams, desires all changed some.

I served a mission in Carlsbad, California. I've been to Japan, I've done some pretty cool things, and had some pretty cool experiences, but I can honestly say that the past year has changed me in ways that no other time in my life has. Change is often hard, but in many cases, as it has been with me, it has been for the best. It wasn't until November of 2011 that Kaylynne reentered my life again. As she has previously stated she participated in a Facebook fast, beginning in October.

This fast, was not really known amongst her friends. [That's because it wasn't really planned- I announced it about 1/2 an hour before I closed down my page.] At least, I didn't know about it, nor did my sister. I believe it was around Thanksgiving dinner that I mentioned to my sister and Rod, that it had been sometime that I had seen Kaylynne on Facebook. Rebekah had thought she'd gone over to using Google+. Google's new social networking site. I mentioned to my sister that I kind of missed the quirky fun comments that Kaylynne and I shared back and forth on random status updates.

Coincidentally Kaylynne reappeared on Facebook a week or so later. Announcing that she was back. The explanation was had, and life continued on its merry way. We started to make quirky comments back and forth again. I honestly thought nothing of it until I was driving to work one afternoon, after having just gotten out of class. Though I cannot remember if it was a post she put on Facebook, or a comment she made, but for some reason she entered into my mind. I came to the sudden realization that, I actually had feelings for her. I missed that she was gone. I missed having that nearly daily interaction.

So, after having that mini epiphany I do what every guy does after having such an event. I called my Mom, and told her the news. [Does every guy really do that!?] It was exciting for me, and we chatted for a few moments. Most likely about date ideas, anyone who knows of, or knows my Mom, knows she is all too willing to talk about relationships. Always has at least a dozen date ideas on hand, and always encourages creative and cheap dates. Her motivations for doing so has made her famous amongst the circles of my sisters friends. Of course I mean no offense, I just find her enthusiasm for "grandbabies" hard to relate to. [I do as well XP]

After counseling with my mother, and my sister. The decided next move was to ask Kaylynne on a double date to temple square to see the lights. [But you didn't call it a date, so I had no idea how I was supposed to act or dress for the evening :p] By the time that actual date happened it was some time mid December. Rod and my sister (From here on out I'm just going to refer to them as R&R) accompanied by me, went to pick up Kaylynne, we went out to dinner. Saw the lights and walked around in the visitors center a bit. Temple square was packed. Far more crowded then I would have liked. However the date was enjoyable.

My impression of Kaylynne at that time was a certain maturity [I would hardly consider myself to be "mature" in any sense of the word, but okay...] that either hadn't been there before or I hadn't picked up on. In my mind she had changed from how I remember her. My honest perception was that perhaps I wasn't the only one who had gained some maturity and experience that only is offered by time. I was glad to see our personalities were still compatible in person as they were online. That the personality quirks that attracted me to her before, were every bit as witty and attractive as they were when I'd first met her.

The date ended non ceremoniously, in my defense I had planned to walk her to the door, but alas it was one of those, the plans of mice and men go awry, moments. [Just to be clear - while I was distracted and talking to his sister, he leapt out of the car like a maniac so that he could get my door. Unaware of his intentions, I accidentally whacked him in the face with said door. Once again, I did not expect a second date, if it had indeed been a 'date.'] I was planning on the next date from the moment that date ended. Because of the holiday's that was much harder and got put off far further then I would have liked. In reflecting on the past, now knowing the future, perhaps that was for the best. I too flew home to be with my family over Christmas break. The events there helped to shape the future.

The story in some ways could not be amply told without mentioning Chris. A childhood friend of mine, who is in many ways my brother in every sense of the word. His family, were second parents to me, and it is still a strictly enforced requirement that I visit with them when I come home. I have always valued the time spent with his family, and am grateful for the compassion and service they have done for me and my family. So it is a requirement I fulfill with great anticipation. Though I am going off on a tangent, I wanted to make sure at least Chris is mentioned.

He by nature of also being a bit of a social networking freak. (I mean that in the nicest- well, I just mean it :-)). Commented on many of my status updates, with Kaylynne. That is how they met, and became friends. Talk about a back door connection! Kaylynne tapped into my best friend, the guy who knows nearly everything about me. Right down to how I think, well, maybe not that well, but still, he knows me. I am sure she will elaborate more about all the many things they talked about but I know there was certain information passed about certain individuals whose name had neither a K nor C in it. [Actually, most of the time I was complaining to him about the guys I was dating at the time; and he was trying to convince me to date him. ...He's not a very good wing-man... Can't blame a bro for trying I guess! :p -- Every now and again, Jared would be mentioned, and one or both of us would agree that he probably wasn't all that into me.]

Why did I spend two paragraphs on this? Well, first off, if this is written for posterity's sake, someone ought to have learned by now there is some value to having a really, really good back door connection. I've got no explanation for the second paragraph. I spent time with Chris during the time I was home. We went out to see a movie and Kaylynne came up in conversation. At this point Kaylynne and I were texting back and forth fairly regularly. I'm not sure what sparked the conversation about Kaylynne but he clearly had an agenda so I'm going to blame it on him. [A very un-subtle one! X_x]

The exact words exchanged escape memory but the gist of the conversation was pretty easy to read into. She liked me, and she wanted to know if it was something that was being reciprocated. Let me go ahead and leave space for Kaylynne's rebuttal should I be out of line....(Kaylynne insert rebuttal here) [My rebuttal being that you apparently had told him on a previous visit that you weren't interested in me at all!]...I responded that I was interested in her. Now, if anyone knows me. They know I hate beating around the bush. So I sent her a text that in essence said just that. I liked her, I knew she liked me, so let's go from there. The response, as I am sure you can imagine, was favorable.

Now we can skip ahead a few weeks. Lots of texting and messaging later. We had another date. This, as she had previously mentioned was impromptu. It was a date on Martin Luther King day. We had a date planned for later that weekend. This date was far less structured or planned then that date so I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. She drove down. Picked me up, and we ended up driving around Provo and Orem. Mostly because the BYU Museum of dead stuffed animals [The Monte L. Bean Museum] was closed, and partly because we didn't have a back up plan. [HE should have had the back-up plan...he was a Boy Scout! Tsk tsk tsk :P]

During this time we walked around Riverwoods discussing what ever came to mind. I, enjoying the company, figured we'd warm up in a few of the shops. Whichever ones that caught my eye at the time. This happened to be a toy shop and the store, near museum, that had many historical LDS items for sale. It was a great time, though I probably remember less with clarity and details than she seems to. I just know I really enjoyed the time I spent with her, the discussions we had, and the points made. I continued to be impressed by both her fun and honestly blunt character, and her intelligence.

Kaylynne isn't just knowledgeable about one topic. She knows a lot about many different subjects, has a desire to learn, and can hold a conversation about just about anything without seeming to lose interest. A quality that I not only find attractive, but increasingly rare in many young women of her age. That trait first manifested when I took her out to Jamba Juice on that first date, continued to impress me that evening. We continued to wander around on foot, then drove around Provo.

I do have to back up just a tick. I know you want to continue forward but the next part does take a bit of explaining. Jessica and Andrew are friends we share. They picked me up from the airport, that December. As Kaylynne mentioned, during one of the conversations with Andrew and Jessica, Kaylynne came up. This isn't something unusual as her name often comes up since it's a friendship we share, but the whole budding relationship was on topic and I called it a 'thing'. I couldn't call it anything formal. I thought it to be far more than an interest at this point. It however was clearly not an official boyfriend girlfriend situation. So I had to call it something. A "thing" just so happened to be the first thing that came to mind.

Ok, now fast forward. In the straight forward and no nonsense way that Kaylynne had done nearly a year and a half prior she asked me to define the "thing." I have to admit. I was as dumbstruck then I as I was a year and a half ago. I knew that whatever I said in Andrew and Jessica's car that evening would in some form or shape get back to Kaylynne. [Sisters before Misters! Girls talk!] Which is why I tried to carefully choose how to define the relationship. I did not anticipate that the word "thing" would be so hard to actually define. For this reason, we never had a formal "DTR" it was a more "DTT" Define the Thing.

We decided to be officially boyfriend/girlfriend that evening. I would say the rest is history, but well, I think there is more history left to be written. My readers would once again yell at me to finish the last three weeks of explanation. That just won't do. So, I continue on. We did sip hot mulled cider talking in front of the Provo Temple before driving back to my place. In my defense of the dark road I live on - I consider it only dimly lit, as I am used to life in the country where the roads are far darker.

We talked some more. Looking up at the stars and talking, the recipe for a romantic evening. I honestly couldn't paint a better picture if I had written it in one of my novels. It was quite crisp outside and she did bump up against me. Like most men, in my situation of little dating experience, and far less relationship experience, she had to "bump" several times before the proverbial 2x4 struck. The exact train of thought went something like this: it is cold outside, we are boyfriend/girlfriend, looking up at the stars, romance, she was standing inside my personal bubble. Ah! She wanted me to hold her, or at the very least put my arm around her. Again, I never profess to be the brightest bulb in the box.

I wanted to stand there forever. For me any type of meaningful relationship had been far too elusive. Here I was, with a pretty girl at my side. What else was I to do? Though I knew it had to end sometime I wasn't sure how to end it. At one point I said,

"So I don't know how to do this."


"End a date," I replied.

All my previous dates had ended dropping the girl off to home. Nothing more. There was no way to end it.

"Are you talking about a kiss?" The exact wording escapes the mind, but that's the general idea of it all.

"I don't know, am I?"

We discussed it a bit before I just leaned in and kissed her. It honestly seemed like the thing to do. After that we did figure out how to part ways. I did tell her I loved her, it was the truth. For me love is a word that isn't used lightly. Especially when it comes to relationships. I didn't realize that you didn't say it right off the bat when you began dating someone. After-all had I not loved her, I would not have agreed to be officially dating her. [Oh...suddenly that evening is much more meaningful!] That is just my own particular way of doing things, odd as they may be. My emotions often get the better of me in certain situations.

As I mentioned before the date for that weekend had been previously set up. It got moved to a Sunday. Since she lives in Salt Lake and I in Orem, we get to see each other about once a week. Which is sometimes hard. I look forward to those times with great anticipation as I cherish the time spent together. She made a delightful dinner, and I don't say that to be polite, it was very good and I do look forward to many more like it. Then we spent a fair bit of time talking.

Now during that week, I had tossed about the idea of marriage. It was on my mind. Don't ask me why. I don't know. I will say this, I don't like to aimlessly wander. If I feel like I can have a sense of direction or a goal then I am good. I knew that the direction and goal of any relationship such as ours should be marriage. I know I am being blunt, but this part of who I am. Forward and linear thinking, even in my writing, I struggle with abstract ideas, and have to fill in the unknowns so I have a clear beginning and a clear ending or end goal. This is the way it is with my relationships.

Now, to those of you who are reading this, by all accounts this should have scared Kaylynne off. I shouldn't be writing this little piece, nor should I be as happy as I am now. I should be broken hearted, and alone. However I was either very lucky, or someone above was looking out for me. Because I popped the question about marriage. Admittedly the reaction was less than ideal. I regretted asking about it that evening, and for the few days afterwards. I can honestly say that I don't regret asking it now. I think in some ways it lead to where the relationship is now.

My intent was honestly not to say, "Hey babe, let's go get married." Which in some ways I think it came out as that. It was more, "I don't want to be just randomly dating without a clear objective. I want to date knowing that we are working on a relationship that may eventually lead to marriage." [Something I figured was just an assumption of all legit LDS dating relationships. We were in the car, that's where the car was meant to be headed...Jared just...hit the gas a little hard :p] Part of the reason for doing so was simply to have that sense of direction. In the coming days I started to feel like I got that sense of direction. At least hypothetically.

Turns out that idea was on her mind all the next week. Though I'm not sure if it was just residual scarring, or genuine interest, but we talked about the hypothetical, and it served as an enjoyable way of getting to know each other. Now I could go on to describe every date we've had since then. I am sure some of you would like to read about it. However I feel as though that there should both be some things left unwritten, and others things left for a sequel. [Part 3: The Revenge of the Relationship!!! Coming soon to a theater near you! :p]

Now this has been an attempt to put into words, everything that has transpired over a year and a half of getting to know Kaylynne. I hope it has been insightful, and telling of not only how things progressed but who I am as a person and what she means to me. In case I haven't sufficiently covered what she means to me I shall do so now.

Kaylynne is everything I am not. Besides the physical differences which are both many and obvious, there are many reasons why I love Kaylynne. She is intelligent; holy crap is she smart. I mean it. Talk with her some time, not just about photography, but about computers, life, social aspects, history, religion, and really listen. You'll learn something. I promise you that. She is practical in the way she sees things. Where I see a great opportunity for her and I to spend time together she sees an opportunity to make it better by saving money while spending time together. [I just think it's lame for him to drive all the way up here to pick me up, just to drive all the way down to Provo for a date and then drive me all the way back. It's just easier, and it saves gas if I drive down or he drives up - then it's 2x; not 3! :p]

She is strong willed, an individual, and doesn't mind doing what has to be done to achieve her goals. These are all things that I admire about her. Sometimes she called them quirks. She refers to them as her "difficult side". I see them as strengths. As parts of her character that fill holes in mine. I only wish I could be half the man that she sees me as being. I do my best to treat her as I've been taught; as my parents raised me to be something of a gentleman. She does her best to teach me how she wishes to be treated. As an individual, and as an equal and I admire that.

Does that change who she is? Not all at all. She is a princess to me. She is that diamond in the rough. The sort, a man has to really look hard for in a world where everything is gilded. She is my sunshine on a cloudy day, my gleaming white pearl, my admiration of heart, my sole love. [Is anyone else blushing and tearing up with happy tears, or is that just me?]

I hope to be writing a sequel to the greatest story of my life. Though there yet be many bridges left to cross, I will cross them, comforted, knowing she stands by my side.

How could I NOT be totally in love with this guy!?!? He's seriously the sweetest!


Rebekah said...

I think that was awesome for you to read, but man, it got really mushy at the end, I had to skip a couple of paragraphs cause I couldn't stand the mush! I'm glad you two are so in love though :)

Allie said...

I APPROVE!!!!! :) San Diego Temple? Yeah? ;)

Jessica Biscuit said...

I have to throw my lot in with Rebekah on the mushiness part. And I also have to say "STOP MENTIONING MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!"

geez! Has no one ever heard of the phrase "wishes to remain anonymous?!

If I were trying to make new friends, these posts would NOT help in the trust department. -_-

Good thing I don't want new friends I guess =P

Kaylynne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaylynne said...

Weird...Blogger is censoring me on my own blog!

@Rebekah - You've clearly never had to sit in the same room as you and your husband (or any of your past boyfriends!) Jared and I aren't even 1/2 as mushy! lol :P

@Allie - I'm glad you approve :p

@Jessica - You WILL be mentioned because it would be wrong NOT to mention the awesomeness that is you!!! :)

Colleen said...

I love this! Beautifully written Jared! I always knew that the girl you chose as your companion would be one lucky girl because of your devotion, loyalty and great love. Biased, yes, but how I have always felt. You are lucky to have found someone as special as Kaylynne, but you already know that!

Jessica Biscuit said...

You were SOPA'd. or ACTA'd or whatever it is. SGMSATDMSIHCP'd. that's what it was.

(Stupid Government Making Stupid Acronyms That Don't Make Sense In Hopes of Confusing the People) awesomeness needs to be censored