Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An Air of Adventure...

Disclaimer - This blog post is gonna be a little photo heavy, I apologize to those few of you who are crazy enough to be using a slow connection like...dial-up. :p

So, on Saturday my boyfriend and I went on a little field trip up to the Aerospace Museum on Hill Air Force Base.

Jared was really excited about it (he has a passion for planes) as was I (believe it or not, this recovering aerophobic has a deep seated desire to be a pilot...or a cute stewardess :p).

While I've been to Hill Air Force Base a few times, I'd never been to the aerospace museum there (and I'd kind of assumed it was just a small museum with maybe just a few aircraft) - I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the museum as well as the variety of it's collection! Unfortunately, I failed to bring my DSLR camera (or my photography skills, apparently) so of the few photos I took, most turned out rather poor (ah, well - I suppose it's an excuse to go back again soon!). 

Jared made me laugh because he'd stop and photograph every engine or plane he knew about, and then he read just about every plaque for the one's he didn't know about but thought looked cool and then photographed those too. I thought it was cute. 
I took a photo of him doing this:

He then asked me if I was "taking unauthorized photos of [him]?" - I told him I was...and then proceeded to take more "unauthorized photos" of him:

^^ This is a photo, of him taking this photo vv:
Photographed by Jared; Photoshopped by Me.
Of course, he got back at me by taking a picture of me (it was authorized, I'm just really awkward in front of the camera):
I told him that I'd like to fly a fighter jet like an F-15;
so when we saw this one, he insisted upon taking a picture of me in front of it. 
I took a photo of Jared in front of his favorite plane (a Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt "Warthog"):

The "Warthog" is near (if not at) the top of his 'Airplane Wishlist' :p
Overall, I really enjoyed the museum (and I'm totally gonna go back at some point with my DSLR so that I can get some legit/artsy/actually interesting to look at photos like the ones I took at the Air and Space Museum at Balboa Park in CA or the ones I took on the U.S.S. Midway).

I have some other photos, but since they're 'blah' I'm gonna skip posting them. BUT - I will post my absolute favorite photo of the day:

Jared and I outside the museum in front of a military transport plane.


Jessica Biscuit said...

so hilarious story. I was really bored...and NO one has posted a blog in ages. So I came here, and there was nothing. So I went to facebook (on Andrew'a account) and then the link to this popped up in the feed and I said goodbye to my illegal facebook activities.

The end.


Jessica Biscuit said...


Kaylynne said...

lol Yeah...it was actually supposed to post on Sunday but the program/widget/scheduler thing I was using didn't post it like it was supposed to so I had to go in and manually do it. XP

Rebekah said...

That sounds so much like Jared! I'm glad he found a girl who thinks that's cute! As the sister, I just think he takes forever with things he loves and gets kinda bored... He takes so many pictures!

Kaylynne said...

lol Well then it's a good thing he's dating a photographer, who also takes LOTS of pictures :p

But I do understand what you mean. Before I got into photography and museums and stuff, it was annoying to go to museums and what-not with someone who wanted to read *every* plaque and photograph *every* thing! :P