Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Foraging for the Modern Paleo...

The alternative title for this post was:
"How I Feed Myself: Quick Paleo Meals for the Modern College Slob" :P

Since I've had a few family members and friends express interest/curiosity in my "crazy new diet" (technically, it's more of a lifestyle thing rather than a "diet" since I don't intend to quit eating like this once I've hit my target weight/body fat %), I thought I'd post a few examples of the kinds of foods I like to throw together.

Lets start with Breakfast!
I'm pretty simple and usually I just go with good old classic bacon and eggs (and sometimes a side fruit or veggie) - if I go to overboard, I usually wind up being late to class:
In this case, the side fruit or veggie was orange slices, Yum!
For Lunches, I usually have extras/leftovers (I prefer to use the word "extras" because the word "leftovers" makes me think of foods that are all cold and soggy...like old cereal *gag*) from cooking bigger batches or extra portions of whatever I make for dinners.

One meal which I particularly enjoy making is 'Paleo Spaghetti' - I know, most people think, "But Kaylynne, if you don't eat gluten what do you eat for noodles in order to have said spaghetti noms!?" to which I reply, "Why spaghetti squash, of course!" (It's like God recognized that even paleo people would want spaghetti and so he made a vegetable that serves as the *perfect* replacement!)

So you can actually find the whole recipe already written up here (one of my favorite websites) - But I took some photos the last time I made Paleo spaghetti so...I'm gonna post em goshdarnit! :p

Another quick and easy meal I like to make is the chili that I posted the other day (I've made and experimented with that one multiple times). 

I've also made:
These Ribs in the crockpot (but I changed up the recipe a bit...and used beef ribs instead of pork)
This Bacon, Grape, and Broccoli Salad is yummy (Boyfriend liked it too)
I made some really yummy citrus/lime/chili chicken drumsticks a few weeks ago but the website with the original recipe on it went down and...I did not copy the recipe down somewhere (You mean the internet ISN'T permanent!?)

So...Yeah - Some more ways to stick to the diet. Now...when I'm NOT sticking to the diet... Once a month (I'm a chick, take your best guess as to the reason why this happens every month), no matter what diet I am on - I tend to leap off the wagon and go in search of any and all of my cravings (usually sugar or caffeine - which is bad since I tend to get really bad headaches when I over do it on either of those)...

So, this is how I don't stick to my diet...
Vanilla scones from Starbucks - I LOVE these!

Generally, I avoid caffeine and teas but...every now and again, I'll get a
Tall, Soy, Chai Tea, Frappucino from Starbucks. So yummy! (but shame on me!)
In my defense, these brownies were at least gluten free (although...I may have
also added a whole bag of chocolate chips to the batter... -- I have to go easy on
these though because chocolate gives me really bad tummy aches...I've been
meaning to try carob instead...I just haven't - I'm scared it'll be gross :p)

Side Note - So, I realize that lately I've been posting a lot about food and Jared (they're kind of the loves of my life right now...and not always in that order :p) However, next week for spring break - I'm gonna be in CA for a few days, so you can look forward to some more travel/photo oriented posts! :)


Jessica Biscuit said...

I always post about food. It's a universal bridge to everyone. Except weirdos what don't like food.

You're going to Cali!? waaaaaah! I don't know ANYTHING when I'm not on Facebook!

Oh well.

I'm jealous that you get a spring break. BYU is so mean to us! :(

PS. I found full fat yogurt. ...and then I didn't buy it. But I thought I'd share that I at least found it. =P

Kaylynne said...

It really really is. (And isn't that the point of the Food Network and Travel channel!? ...You know, I'd believe those gals on Miss America when they say they want "World Peace" if they were curvier and their answers were more like "Solve World Hunger and Then We'll Have World Peace!")

Yeah - I booked the tickets back when I was overwhelmed and stressed by everything and TOTALLY freaking out (I'm still overwhelmed and stressed but...now it's mostly just cause of school).

Technically BYU gets spring break too...it's just...at the end of the semester (cause you guys get out for summer earlier than we do).

Oh yay, I'm glad you found it.

....but why did you not buy it after your little Full Fat Yogurt Tirade?