Thursday, March 29, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

So, I read a couple different blogs that have a TiLT feature every week.
Usually it's nothing big, just a short post with links, photos, thoughts, etc. to/of/about things that the writer liked that week and wants to highlight. I've decided to try it out here on my personal blog in order to increase my blogging (considering the fact that I'd like to blog as part of a future job, I really need to get better about consistency) and in order to teach myself to focus more on positive things, things that make me happy!

So - The first "Things I Love Thursday"...

First things first, my cousin Allison Barnes (of An Apple a Day and a collaborator on the We Are Women project), is a pretty legit folk artist and this Friday (tomorrow) she's releasing her Winter War EP (you can learn more about it HERE).

Allison asked me if I would like to review the EP ahead of time on this blog, but I'm not really a music person (I swear, I'm sure I'm pretty much tone deaf :p) and I wouldn't have really known how to even begin to review a CD! However, I did get the opportunity to listen through the EP and personally, I really enjoy it! My favorite track is a tie between "Husband" and "The Slow Goodbye." The EP will be released digitally tomorrow, March 30th, and on CDs, April 6.

And right now, if you "Like" Allison's Facebook page, you can get 25% off the EP.

I've decided that I really love Firesides...especially big ones at the Salt Lake Institute. It's so amazing to be sitting amongst (note - not an accurate estimation:) hundreds of like-minded young adults, gathered together to share in the spirit and to listen to a spiritual leader. 

I once had an Institute teacher tell our class that these CES firesides are fairly new, and that we should be thankful and excited to hear these speakers because it represents the church Presidency's recognition of our (Young adults) importance! :)

And I swear, I totally started to tear up while singing "Be Still My Soul" with ALL these people. (I always feel so awkward when I'm singing, because I don't consider myself to be particularly good at singing, but I didn't even think of it. Everyone's voices just blended in the most perfectly beautiful way).

I know, this picture is kind of awkward, the girl by me was talking to me and I accidentally lost my framing. :p
And yes - one of the girls in our group was running around in socks. So random! lol 
One of my favorite things about being a part of a collegiate community is all the opportunities to have academic-type discussions about various topics. Seriously, I love that I can sit around with a group of my peers (both academic and future-professional) and discuss things like the importance and application of strategic communication principles to various situations and such!

And, last but not least, this song:
The music video itself is kinda strange (but...I feel like anytime masquerade masks are involved, things are gonna get weird. Especially in music videos) but the song is awesome.


Jessica Biscuit said...

I was gonna get on your case for taking pictures during firesides but then I realized people were wandering around so it must not have been DURING the fireside. =P

You're safe.

Kaylynne said...

Haha, yeah - I wouldn't do photos DURING.
You can see how crowded it was, and that photo was taken RIGHT after I got there at 6:10 (and the fireside didn't even start until 7pm)