Thursday, April 12, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

Hello All! It's Thursday Again!

First of all - I am loving the EFT tapping therapy that Colleen (the aura specialist I've been seeing) taught me. It is FANTASTIC! Every time I do it, I feel like this anvil of weight has suddenly been lifted off of me and I feel happy. I felt really silly doing it at first, but the more I do it, the less I care about feeling silly because it seriously works! :)
On Saturday/Sunday/Monday, I designed a logo for this year's MadSkills competition (I was also signed up for the print design category but didn't manage my time well enough to get that entry in on time). The company which all competitors were designing for is Heavystone Lab. They make a cemented tungsten carbide material for industrial applications (ie used in aerospace, mining, construction, machining, etc.).

After researching the company and it's competitors and target customers, I decided that I was still struggling to get a feel for what style direction I really needed to go in. (I knew I wanted to play with the imagery of the name of the company and I wanted it to feel somewhat industrial but I was kind of unsure about the direction I was heading in). Now, one of the most important parts of communication and design is knowing your audience so...I got a little bit of help from someone who knows a little bit about these industries, Jared! He kind of played the role of "unofficial art director" for me and helped to guide me through figuring out the design. He was super helpful in giving me ideas and suggestions, and I was super thankful for his help! This is what I ultimately came up with and submitted:

Yesterday, for Publicity Committee - we all drove up to the Museum of Natural History (it's right by the UofU and I HIGHLY recommend it - the architecture of the building alone is reason enough to go see it!) We were at the museum to do a committee photo (which, from what I could tell - is gonna turn out SUPER awesome!) Random fact about me: I LOVE museums and I LOVE buildings with really cool architecture! So, while we were there - about every two seconds, I would squeal and point out an exhibit, architectural feature, or just declare "I LOVE it here!!!" - I'm excited to go back sometime, anyone wanna go with me!?!? :)

What are you loving this Thursday!?

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