Friday, April 17, 2009

Cakes and Bad Weather

Yesterday night I spent the evening making and decorating two cakes for a cake auction at church tonight. The first was a beehive cake:and the second was a campfire cake:
the ideas were based on cakes I saw on the FamilyFun website.

Today was supposed to be the day that my photography class was going to be shooting at Rockledge Ranch in Colorado Springs, however this morning the weather was awful - it started with rain yesterday, snow this morning, which quickly turned to freezing rain and then back to snow, so now our yard is full of little ice crystals:
A friend of mine called to tell me the class at Rockledge was canceled, hopefully that means the class itself was canceled and the teacher didn't decide to just go ahead and hold class back on campus because - I didn't go. Neither me nor my mom wanted to drive on the icy roads anyway!
All this weather in the middle of April is getting kind of annoying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cakes looked great and everyone thought they were so creative! Went for a good price too! If Rebecca goes to camp that probably paid for her!
Thanks for making them! :)