Friday, April 24, 2009

Update - Foxes, School, Art

So, thought I'd post a little update on the baby foxes, for a while we didn't see them at all and lately they've been out almost everyday! They're growing pretty quickly because they've gone from this:

To This:You can see some more of their latest shots here. I have around 400ish photos of the foxes that I've taken since we first spotted them, so hopefully this summer I'll have time to go through, pull out and edit the best ones!

I'm waiting until summer to do a lot of things because school is going to be super busy for the next 2 weeks because they're the last two weeks of the semester! I have to design and create 2 masks for my 3D design final, I have to find 50 more examples of typography for my typography class as well as find all my exercises and assignments from the class and prepare them for presentation (which doesn't include any other assignments my teacher might throw at us), I have 3 more assignments and a final exam for my art history class, and I have two more photo assignments for my photography class. Outside of school, I'm also getting ready to take my driver's license test on May 1st, celebrate (sort of) my birthday on May 2nd, and shoot a wedding on May 3rd! - Classes will finally end on May 12th and then I can relax (well, not entirely because I still have to get ready to move out of the house and into a dorm, and I also plan to work during the summer so I can earn a little money for next semester).

Like I said - Busy!

Enough blogging for me today, I have to go turn in my entries for the student art show and maybe get a little Art History homework done:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Baby foxes! and your projects look great!