Monday, August 31, 2009

Apartment What-nots

So I moved into my apartment like last week, I have one roommate from Utah and two roommates from Vietnam. I haven't decorated my room yet so no pictures of that, but I do have a couple random shots from this evening.

Today was a pretty neat day, I rode the bus for the first time, I met a girl at the stop who had never ridden the bus either so we figured things out together. Later, when I got home, I found my roommate sitting in the living room putting together a centerpiece for our coffee table, and it came out beautiful!
This was also on the wall, my roommate found it at Dollar Tree (I think):
Later, I went to Family Home Evening with my ward, and after that, the girls in an apartment near mine asked me if I was gonna go with everyone to see "Up!" at the Dollar Theater so I said yes. I met some new and interesting people and the movie was super cute!

When I got home, I found this on the white board in our kitchen:
You won't get the reference if you haven't seen "Galaxy Quest" :p

Anyway, thats it for now, more pictures and entries to come soon!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi Kaylynne!
Sounds like you are having lots of fun. Can't wait to see pics of your apt. I'm bummed that I'm the only Barnson girl not in Utah. I'll be out for Thanksgiving though- yea!

Lot of love!