Sunday, January 30, 2011

Skipping a Few Chapters...

I know I haven't posted on here in forever but I figured I'd try to make a return to this blog...

So just a review of everything that's happened since my last post:

In 2010 I...
  • Dated long distance, and naturally - it ended
  • Dated a new guy for a while - he was super awesome (best guy so far), but that ended as well
  • Dated a few others but they were really nothing special
  • Did okay academically over Spring and Summer semesters, bombed fall semester due to burnout
  • Moved in with my best friend and, sadly, shortly thereafter found out why people say that it's a bad idea to live with your best friend (although it still confuses me how that doesn't work out when you ultimately wind up living with your spouse, who's supposed to be your best friend!)
  • Moved back in with my parents...and subsequently reverted back to my hermitic, high school self (I have to force myself to hang out with friends and be social - not because I don't like my friends but because living at home makes me pretty anti-social)
  • Had a lot of friends get engaged/married (thus destroying my own personal Provo version of Sex and the City with all my single friends :p )
  • Re-friended a former ex-friend
  • Played a lot of video games
  • Got an awesome work study job at the UVU Woodbury Art Museum and learned about how museums work (and as much as I enjoyed it...ruled out Museum studies as a potential major - I prefer making art vs. procuring and displaying it, but it was a fantastic learning opportunity and I enjoyed getting to know my co-workers!)
So far in 2011, I have/am...
  • Taking spring semester off (by the end of Fall semester I'd decided that having gone to school non-stop for 2 years straight, I desperately needed a break)
  • I went on a date with a good friend of mine, we went shooting - long story short, I shot his truck...and will forever feel bad for it (side note: the truck thing was an accident - I'd never used a scope before. I'm actually pretty good with a gun, I promise)
  • Transferring schools and changing majors! I withdrew from UVU and transferred to UofU, now I'm trying to decide on a major
  • Working on some photography/illustration/design projects and a professional website
...That's kind of it for now...more to come later!


Jessica Biscuit said...

its cuz you're living with a member of the opposite sex when you're married. its a proven fact that girls can't live with other girls if they knew them before (and sometimes if they knew them after they moved in) but guys almost never have that problem. It's just a girl thing.

Kaylynne said...

*Le Sigh* Of the few reasons why I dislike being a girl, that's definitely one of them. I've met VERY few guys who've ever had those problems.