Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
This year, I decided to be my own valentine!
So I wrote a little letter of kind encouragement to myself!

(Image found on

Dear Me,

Happy Valentine's Day, Beautiful!

Just some important things to keep in mind as you find new ways to accept and love yourself…

You've been clinging to a crappy past because you're scared of the future. You need to stop, it's affecting your friendships and relationships, and keeps you from being comfortable around people who care about you and who want to know you better. Just because bad things have happened, doesn't mean they will continue to happen. You need to let go, learn to trust people again, and stay positive - everything is going to be okay.

You've only recently learned that you're worth so much more than you thought before.

Don't let catty girls get to you, and unkind guys take advantage.

You're worth a healthy relationship, stop letting guys get away with stupid stuff and stop making excuses for them. You are worthy of a kind, smart, righteous guy who is willing to put forth the time and effort of getting to know you, and who makes you happy.

You're worth good friendships, ones in which your friends make you happy and comfortable with who you are. Avoid people who are manipulative, who turn you into a negative person, who upset and bother you, and who take advantage of you.

(Remember, there's a level of discomfort that's acceptable because you're stepping out of your comfort zone and learning something new. But there's also a level of discomfort that says that something is wrong. Know the difference and follow your instincts and intuition.)

You've become aware of how attractive you are, but you still sometimes struggle to keep it in mind.

Continue to come to terms with your natural and beautiful figure, your bright smile, and your pretty eyes. Learn to see God's mastery of creation in every part of you and learn to truly appreciate it.

Finally, don't forget your intelligence and your determination. You're smart, and you're always learning new things about the world and everything in it. Don't ignore your intelligence, remember to learn something new everyday and find ways of using your intelligence to help others. And don't allow your determination to become dormant, even if you're not entirely sure where you want to go in life, you know that you're bound to become something amazing so at the very least, maintain a determination to always be moving forward.

Stay Positive!



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