Saturday, May 7, 2011

Solution Saturday...

I don't think this will be a weekly thing, but I like alliteration so I figured it'd be an acceptable post title! :P

So, first problem?
I've gotten a little *cough*a lot!*cough* outta shape since I left UT to visit family for 2 months. Prior to leaving UT, I had access to the community gym and was hitting the treadmills there about 5 days a week for 30-40 min.
The solution?
Once I return to UT, I will once again have access to treadmills and what-not since I'll be living on-campus and can get to the rec./fitness center *yay!*
Since I'm not so great about setting up fitness plans (generally I just wing it and then get upset when I'm not seeing any improvement) so...I've found a few simple ones that I think I could follow!
A Little Encouragement: (1) (2) (3)

Okay, Second problem?
I've never been much of a breakfast person. I don't know if it's because of hypoglycemia (my blood sugar drops so low while I sleep that I wake up feeling kinda sick pretty much every morning) or because I've never been particularly fond of breakfast foods at breakfast time (I'm very texture specific, and squishy eggs, mushy oatmeal, and soggy cereal just don't sound particularly pleasant to me - especially in the morning).

The Solution?
THIS amazing bowl. Isn't it brilliant!? I totally want one! :P

Third Problem?
Apparently there are lots of potholes in Paris. (There are lots of potholes in other places as well).

The Solution?
A Parisian Woman started to fill potholes with yarn! It's not a permanent or perfect solution, but it looks cool and maybe it'll lead to a more permanent solution by hinting to authorities that something needs to be done!

Last Problem?
Too much Facebook?

Envision a world without Facebook (personally, I prefer a world WITH Facebook, it's easier to share things with friends).


Jessica Biscuit said...

yeah...not gonna lie. It's been difficult not being able to share stuff with people on facebook. I think that alone has convinced me NOT to delete it...but probably to get back on in a few months and delete everyone except the people i want to share stuff with...which is pretty much you because you usually understand what I'm trying to do with my pictures.

Can I just rant about something? I can't stand it when I put thought and effort into my pictures, and some random person comments and says "ooooh nice picture" when they have no idea what went in to it!!!

*pant pant* I'm ok. really =P

in other news, the word I have to write to post this blog, is "bacionst" I decided that that is french for bacon lover. then end. :)

Kaylynne said...

lol - Your friends list: Me and Andrew (I'm totally okay with that...mostly cause I'm on it :p) - It'll be a new hipster fad "My Facebook is SO exclusive, I only have like 5 friends!" :p

Well, at least people are saying they LIKE your pictures. It's not like you're putting in thought and effort and people are like "OMG total crap!" <--- Which is pretty much every response you wind up getting to every photo you take when you're in photography classes (or at least that's been my experience :p) - What happened to KIND, ENCOURAGING, and NURTURING professors!? Did they EVER exist!? :p - Anyway, just wait - you'll appreciate the people who tell you your photos are nice a whole lot more when you're taking photo classes :p

...Okay - that was *MY* rant lol

Haha - French is not great - but I want to assume you're right. (Even if it ISN'T french for really ought to be!) :p

Jessica Biscuit said...

yeah I know what you mean...but its kinda nice to be ripped into once in a while so you can improve. It's a good thing I watch things like createlive so I can rip apart my own work. =P

Jessica Biscuit said...

ps. where did bacionst come from? I forget. =P