Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things I Love Thursday & Why I Dislike My Birthday

I'm gonna start by complaining a bit...

I have a hard time with my birthdays. I'm not entirely sure why, getting older doesn't really bother me (at least not yet). One of my past birthday's I spent the entire day crying my eyes out (we had recently moved and I was having a hard time with it) another was spent in a car, driving across Kansas when my family moved to Kentucky (normally I like traveling, but I remember that day was particularly sucky). I always seem to get really down and depressed right around my birthdays. (My birthday's themselves aren't usually too bad - my family typically manages to put together something low-key but special enough to make me smile - which I suppose is all I can ask for).

Sadly, this year once again brought along all the traditional down and depressed feelings. Between a couple fairly large disappointments (which have made me feel like a pretty big failure), trying to get through finals (eating too much junk food, not sleeping, and basically burning myself out), struggling quite a bit with some spiritual promptings, feeling stressed by graduation (which scares me because I worry that the bigger it's made out to be, the less I'll want to focus on my summer classes) and an upcoming move back onto campus...I'm having a really hard time with things. And all 6 days before my birthday. Thanks, Life - great timing.

I tried to be excited and make plans for my birthday always, things fell through or fell apart.
So it will probably just go by like any other day. But hey - mother's day is more important anyway, right? - There's a goal to work towards.

One day, I'm just gonna give up entirely and not even think of my birthday, then maybe, hopefully, I won't go through these feelings of upset and depression every May.

Okay - I'm done complaining. Time to be thankful...

 This should always be at the top of the list and it should always be the first thing I think of when feeling thankful or just loving -- The gospel and the scriptures! Last night was a really bad night for me, but studying the scriptures made a big difference.

My best friend - he means so much to me, and is always there for me (even when I'm an absolute wreck).
One night, Mandy made me cucumber sammiches cut into heart shapes with apple slices and Doritos
(she's clearly gonna be an awesome Mom one day).
My roommate/cousin, Mandy - who is not only the most amazingly awesome person in the world, but she also made sure that on the nights that I *have* been home, I've eaten something legitimate. 
The weather lately has been super nice! I'm loving this warm, breezy spring/summer weather! I've even been able to sleep with my window open a couple of nights (which is lovely for the breeze and what not...though I may have to stop it because of my allergies :P).

Well - I still have 3 assignments and an exam to go study for.

What are you loving this Thursday?


MaryB said...

Just let me clarify here: You all have always been given the choice between presents, a party, or the money that we would have spent on either of those for you to spend how you want. It's always been your choice! And--don't even get me started on bummer birthdays! I've certainly had my share! BUT, if it would make you feel better, we can totally play down the whole graduation and accentuate the birthday...that would be fine. Whatever the case may be...May 2nd will always be the special day that you came into our life and a day worth celebrating! ♥♥

Kaylynne said...

Thanks Mom!

I didn't say I don't enjoy my's mostly the time building up to them that really sucks and then it tends to spill into my actual birthday.

I think it's a little late to play down my graduation since everyone is so insistent upon coming. X_x
I just feel kind of lame since everyone's all "Yay! You did it!" when I technically haven't actually finished yet.

Jessica Biscuit said...

so it's YOUR fault that it got all cold and windy! You posted it on your blog!!!!

oh wait. I think I did to. And if I didn't...I thought about it.

Good luck trying to ignore your berfdays. There are usually people who will always remind you that they are coming. Like...ME! Hey Kaylynne! Guess What! =P

Ok, I'm done now. I'm sorry its been so hard and finals suck. Just're nearly done with them! K...I know. That doesn't help at all. But it was worth a try?

And I get to see you next week!!! :)

Jessica Biscuit said...

AUGH! I used the wrong form of "too"! *cry cry*